
PPS Pump Protection Separators

PPS Pump Protection Separators

Why Choose a LAKOS Pump Protection Separator?

Starting with protection at the source, you can expect increased pump efficiency, reduced sand wear and tear on pump components, and an overall reduction in energy consumption.

A LAKOS PPS can be used in a variety of applications as well as in old and new well systems and even naturally dirty wells.

If you have any questions about your specific application or want to know more, please Contact us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions.

PPS Pump Protection Separators Centrifugal Action

Keep unwanted sand out of the pump without screens to clog, backwash, or service.

PPS Pump Protection Separators Efficiency
Maintain Pump Efficiency

Saves the pump from abrasive wear and keeps pump energy costs lower.

PPS Pump Protection Separators Extend Pump Life
Extend Pump Life

Extends pump life by 4x or more, reducing downtime, pump repairs, and replacements.

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Size and Select Your Pump Protection Separator
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Models Flow Range Minimum
Well I.D.
Req. Min.
Outside Diameter Length w/ Riser
and Flapper Valve
Riser Size Weight
US GPM m3/hr inches mm ft. meters inches mm inches mm NPT lbs. kg
PPS-100-D 100-175 23-40 6″ 152 30′ 9.2 4-7/8″ 124 88-3/8″ 2,245 2-1/2″ 93 42
PPS-125-E 125-250 29-57 7″ 178 30′ 9.2 5-9/16″ 141 107″ 2,718 3″ 142 64
PPS-150-F 150-325 34-75 8″ 203 30′ 9.2 6-5/8″ 168 120-1/4″ 3,054 4″ 220 100
PPS-325-GSA 325-520 74-118 9-3/4″ 248 60′ 18.4 8-5/8″ 219 124-3/16″ 3,154 6″ 191 87
PPS-520-GGA 520-710 118-161 9-3/4″ 248 60′ 18.4 8-5/8″ 219 130″ 3,302 6″ 213 97
PPS-325-G 325-650 74-148 10-3/4″ 273 30′ 9.2 8-5/8″ 219 132-5/8″ 3,369 6″ 267 121
PPS-600-HSA 600-910 136-207 12″ 305 60′ 18.4 10-5/8″ 270 141-1/2″ 3,594 8″ 281 128
PPS-880-HHA 880-1,375 200-312 12″ 305 60′ 18.4 10-5/8″ 270 145-3/4″ 3,702 8″ 315 143
PPS-550-H 550-1,110 125-252 13-1/4″ 337 30′ 9.2 10-3/4″ 273 147-1/2″ 3,747 8″ 390 177
PPS-1290-ISA 1,290-1,700 293-386 13-1/4″ 337 60′ 18.4 10-3/4″ 273 150-3/4″ 3,829 8″ 393 178
PPS-825-I 825-1,450 187-329 15-1/4″ 387 30′ 9.2 12-3/4″ 324 153-1/4″ 3,893 8″ 454 206
PPS-1460-JSA 1,460-2,040 332-463 15-1/4″ 387 60′ 18.4 12-3/4″ 324 158″ 4,013 10″ 492 223
PPS-1010-J 1,010-1,800 230-409 17-1/4″ 438 30′ 9.2 14″ 356 163″ 4,140 10″ 526 239
PPS-1780-KSA 1,780-2,420 405-550 17-1/4″ 438 60′ 18.4 14″ 356 170″ 4,318 10″ 575 261
PPS-1640-K 1,640-2,560 373-582 19-1/4″ 489 30′ 9.2 16″ 406 185″ 4,699 10″ 703 319
PPS-2520-KKA 2,520-3,180 573-723 19-1/4″ 489 60′ 18.4 16″ 406 201″ 5,105 12″ 754 342
Brochure Downloads
  • LS-990 PPS Brochure
  • LS-848 Agriculture Irrigation Filtration
  • LS-423 PPS Pump Protection Worksheet
Installation Guide
  • LS-773 PPS Install Guide

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answer: Flow rate is the most important factor in determining separator size because all LAKOS Separators operate within a prescribed flow range. It is also important to note the depth, width, submergence, and clearance to the bottom of your well. Do not use your existing pipe size to determine the separator size, pipe size is not a factor in model selection. Required separator size is often, but not always, smaller than the existing piping, and appropriate hardware is used to match the inlet/outlet size with existing piping.

For help selecting a Pump Protection Separator, please use our Groundwater Product Selector.

Answer: While there are many LAKOS Separators still in service after 15-25 years, there are many variables to the longevity of a LAKOS Separator. It can generally be expected to last as long as any other materials of similar construction in that system. Environment, fluid chemical make-up, flow, the material of construction, type of solids, and maintenance purging are all important factors to the life of a separator. It is important to consider all these factors when purchasing a separator. Providing LAKOS with details about your application will ensure your separator meets or exceeds the life expected through your purchase. Consult your LAKOS factory representative to obtain the life expectancy in your specific application.

Answer: Solids-removal efficiency is affected by several factors, including the difference in specific gravity between the solids and the carrying liquid, the viscosity of the liquid, the particle shape, and any purging enhancement techniques. In general, with a specific gravity ratio of 2.6 (e.g. quartz sand in freshwater), liquids of 31 SSU viscosity, and generally round particles, a single pass through a separator predictably removes up to 98% of particles 74 microns (0.0029 inches) and larger. Appreciable quantities of particles finer than 74 microns are also removed, as well as particles of lighter specific gravity. Higher specific gravities (like mill scale in water, with SG=5.7) result in much finer levels of filtration.

Contact LAKOS for assistance determining performance expectations on your specific application.

Answer: The maximum solids loading on LAKOS Separators is recommended to be less than 1% by volume. While 1% may seem low, keep in mind that 1% in a small 100 GPM system is 1 gallon of solids every minute, or 1,440 gallons (twenty-six 55-gallon drums) of solids per day. SMP Separators for residential use are not recommended to exceed 0.25% by volume. ILB Series Separators are not recommended to exceed 0.50% by volume. If your application exceeds these limitations, please consult your factory representative for proven alternatives.

Answer: Standard maximum pressure rating for most LAKOS Separators is 150 psi. The exceptions are the SMP Separators, which have a maximum pressure rating of 100 psi. Contact the factory for higher pressures; LAKOS can accommodate pressures up to 3000 psi through custom separators.

Answer: The sand is purged to the bottom of the well. Over time, the flow dynamics of the well formation are changed due to the accumulation of the sand, and water is pumped without disruption through the life of the well. In fact, in over 30 years of experience with PPS Separators, less than a handful of wells have ever needed to be bailed, and in those few cases, the benefits received from longer, more efficient pump life far outweighed the one bailing.

PPS Pump Protection Separators