Costa Rica Four Seasons Hotel Removes Debris
Costa Rica Four Seasons Hotel Removes Debris
Application: Cooling Tower and Chiller HVAC System At A Beach Resort
Solids: Beach Sand, Debris, Minerals
Liquid: Cooling Water
Problem: The Four Seasons Hotel and Resort at Peninsula Papagayo in Costa Rica is a tropical getaway. Situated perfectly in the middle of lush foliage and relaxing beaches, guests of the resort are surrounded by beauty and luxury. The customer experience is the number one priority.
With the hotel’s cooling towers and mechanical room only 50 feet away from the beach, keeping solids out is a high priority for this exotic ocean side resort. So when their chiller’s condenser and cooling tower’s basin filled with sand, pieces of plastic, wood sticks, and other debris, the 5-star resort acted quickly.

The hotel’s cooling towers are only 50 feet away from the beach, making solids-free water a top concern
The resort’s unique geographical location and high concentration of minerals from the incoming water was causing a problem. Their old sand filter had become so inefficient it required manual cleaning as many as four times a day! The hotel needed a better filtration solution to keep the condenser and basin from filling up with unwanted solids.

The resort’s new LAKOS TCX-100-SRV during installation
Solution: The Four Seasons evaluated other filtration options. They quickly became convinced, however, that their best option would be a LAKOS TowerClean Separator system with HydroBoosters and a Solids Recovery Vessel (TCX-100-SRV).
Results: With the patented HydroBooster nozzles pushing solids and debris to the inlet of the separator, the cooling tower basin now stays free of unwanted solids. The solids enter the separator where they are filtered out and conveniently emptied into the recovery vessel for easy cleanup.

HydroBoosters in action
The installation of the LAKOS system means no more wasted maintenance time on daily cleanings, allowing the Four Seasons staff to maintain their primary focus: keeping their guests happy.

A typical TowerClean Package with HydroBoosters