
Ethanol Plants – CIP Filtration


Large Ethanol Plant

Where LAKOS Fits in CIP Systems

In Ethanol production plants LAKOS Separators have become the standard for keeping unwanted solids from clogging CIP systems. The need for continuous operation (with little or no downtime) is critical for operating efficiencies and production. LAKOS Separators are typically installed on both the high and low pressure sides of a CIP system and excel in removing the solids created throughout the wash process, removing up to 98% of solids as fine as 44 microns in a single pass with continuous operation, automated purging, and low pressure loss features. LAKOS Separators protect CIP spray balls and down stream equipment such as heat exchangers.

With the ever rising costs of labor, natural gas, and electricity, it is crucial to keep equipment operating at their design efficiencies to save on energy, maintenance, and costly system downtime.


Cooling Towers at Ethanol Plant

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